Ongoing Research
There are four main elements to this study that will take place over the next four years:
Assessing Concerns/Perceptions - We are assessing community concerns and perceptions about the contamination with focus groups, interviews, and surveys. These conversations and data will help researchers and community members address issues surrounding contamination education and mitigation (risk reduction).
Quantifying Exposure and its Health Effects - We are measuring community exposure to PCE (tetrachloroethylene) and other CVOCs (chlorinated volatile organic compounds) in indoor air, exhaled breath samples, and water. We are also studying associations of exposure and vision and cognitive functions.
Investigating Cancer Rates - We are investigating community concerns about elevated cancer rates in Martinsville. Morgan County has one of the highest cancer incidence rates in Indiana, well above the state average. We are using data from the Indiana State Cancer Registry to study cancer incidence in the city of Martinsville and compare results to communities with no known contamination. (source -
Co-designing and Implementing an Action Plan - With the Martinsville community, we are planning to reduce the exposure and related health impacts of PCE with an action plan based on the research results of the project.
Engaging with the community and developing partnerships with groups and organizations in Martinsville is essential to the success of the study.